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Wine Making UK

Wine making in the UK has become extremely popular with thousands of enthusiasts now making their own wine which in a lot of cases can be better than some of the wines that are available at some shops

We have been providing wine making enthusiasts in the UK with the best possible equipment, ingredients and books for over four decades. We offer a complete wine making service and have been recognised in the industry and received numerous awards for this service.

Using our website you can browse at your leisure to see all the wine making products that we have available, or if you wish you can contact us and we will gladly mail you our catalogue so you can site down with a glass of wine and read through all the products we have available.

Using our site you will find a wide range of wine making supplies that can allow you to produce your own high quality wines. We have fermentation equipment, hydrometers, thermometers, heating equipment, sterilising, syphoning and filtration equipment, you will also find dried fruits, flowers, grains, fining agents, juice extraction equipment, bottling aids and much more. We are your one-stop-shop for wine making equipment in the UK.

All your wine making supply needs are available right here along with a friendly service from people willing to help you in every way they can to ensure you are able to produce your own wine to a high standard.

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Leyland Home Brew
15 Chapel Brow,  Leyland,   Lancashire,  PR25 3NH   United Kingdom
Tel: 01772 431030   Fax: 01772 451928