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American IPA Beer Kit 

Nothing excites the craft beer drinker more than an IPA, almost the flagship beer of the American Craft beer Revolution. This beer is far different from the stuffy sub 4% beers found in some back street pubs with more similarities to the traditional IPA’s brewed in the 18th century. These beers were brewed to slake the thirst of the British troops garrisoned in India and were heavily hopped and relatively high in alcohol to survive the arduous journey round the southern tip of South Africa. These days American IPA’s are brewed to be drunk fresh and use obscene amounts of fragrant American hops that give them their unique pine, fruit salad and floral character. Young's used three of the most popular and heavily sought after hops Simcoe, Centennial and Chinook. Chinook and Centennial are classic American hops, beautiful and fragrant they exude grapefruit and floral character, the Simcoe tempers this fruit character with its more savoury pine resin character. Young's Home Brew US West Coast ale yeast strain sourced from an American craft brewery giving such a clean fermentation profile these hops shine through explosively giving you a fantastic IPA to brew at home that will rival the world’s best! Young's Home Brew American IPA Pours like a true IPA, pale gold with a fluffy white head, the aroma of this beer hits you immediatley, intense pine and grapefruit character a side of tropical fruit salad. On the palate this beer has just enough malt to hold the crazy amounts of hops thats been put in it giving you a riot of flavours tending toward the pine resin from the Simcoe, bitterness is full on refresing the palate and inviting another sip.

  • Simcoe, Centennial and Chinook.
  • Makes 40 pints.

Manufactured by:Youngs

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Paypal Invoice or credit card by phone on 01772 431030 or we will contact you.

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American IPA Beer Kit GBP22.99 each

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Leyland Home Brew
15 Chapel Brow,  Leyland,   Lancashire,  PR25 3NH   United Kingdom
Tel: 01772 431030   Fax: 01772 451928