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Australian Merlot Wine Kit 

The Merlot wine making kit will produce a full bodied red with well balanced tannins, a bit softer than the Cabernet Sauvignon. The Merlot produced has the typical hint of plums and is medium dry. A perfect choice to go with most meat dishes

  • Makes 30 bottles of red wine.

Manufactured by:Hambleton Bard

Payment Methods
Paypal Invoice or credit card by phone on 01772 431030 or we will contact you.

Currency GBP
RefDescription PriceQuantity RequiredAdd to Basket
Australian Merlot Wine Kit GBP32.99 each

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Leyland Home Brew
15 Chapel Brow,  Leyland,   Lancashire,  PR25 3NH   United Kingdom
Tel: 01772 431030   Fax: 01772 451928