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Castelemaine XXXX Gold Lager - 40 40

XXXX Gold was launched in 1991 and is the 3rd biggest beer brand in Australia. Brewed with only the finest Australian barley and unique Cluster hops, XXXX Gold is a refreshing mid - strength lager. The beer kit is made by the brewery, with a recipe to match the commercial equivalent.

  • Add 1 kg of sugar, brewing sugar or beer enhancer.
  • Makes 40 pints.

Manufactured by:Castlemaine Perkins

Payment Methods
Paypal Invoice or credit card by phone on 01772 431030 or we will contact you.

Description Castelemaine XXXX Gold Lager - 40 40

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Leyland Home Brew
15 Chapel Brow,  Leyland,   Lancashire,  PR25 3NH   United Kingdom
Tel: 01772 431030   Fax: 01772 451928