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Muntons Gold 3 kg. Beer Kits
This range combines premium brewing malt and choicest hops to allow you to brew the finest traditional beers.
Muntons Gold 3 kg. Beer Kits

Muntons Gold Old English Bitter - 0125 0125 
A rich, full bodied Old English style bitter made from premium malt and the choicest hops.

Muntons Gold Continental Pilsner - 0126 0126 
This continental pilsner preserves the delicate balance of natural hop bitterness with the sweetness of malt.

Muntons Gold Highland Heavy - 0127 0127 
A distinctive rich bitter with a dark, malty flavour balanced by a generous helping of hops.

Muntons Gold Imperial Stout - 0128 0128 
A truly classic beer with a full body, rich black colour and distinctive dry bitterness capped by a ...

Muntons Gold India Pale Ale - 0129 0129 
A delicious golden lightly hopped ale, it can be made to either standard or officer strength.

Muntons Gold Dockland Porter   
At the end of the 19th century a beer was brewed especially for the dockyard workers of the ...

Brupaks Ale Flavapack _ 0753 0753 
Improves the flavour and aroma of all ale kits Just place bags in a jug or saucepan and ...

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Leyland Home Brew
15 Chapel Brow,  Leyland,   Lancashire,  PR25 3NH   United Kingdom
Tel: 01772 431030   Fax: 01772 451928