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Leyland Home Brew

Leyland Home BrewThe number one choice for all that's good in beer and wine making!

Save Money on Wine - Leyland Homebrew

Save Money on Wine

Friday, 20 November 2009

Welcome to the Leyland Homebrew website. Designed to give you details on the wine brewing equipment and ingredients that we have available, all designed to help you save money on wine.

There is no better way to save money on wine than by brewing your own. Many years ago tasting a glass of homemade wine could be a bit of an off-putting experience but with the advances in equipment, the affordability and the quality ingredients now being produced you can be assured that the wine you make will please most who taste it.

We have a fantastic online selection of money saving wine making kits or you can order our mail order catalogue right here on our website. The prices will in some cases differ between the online and catalogue price, but they will still save you money on your favourite tipple.

We have been involved in the homebrew trade for over three decades. We offer everything you could need to make your own wine and have won awards for our services. Feel free to drop into our store or email us for help and information on homebrewing, we are always willing to help and offer good advice.

If you are looking to save money on wine there is no better way than making your own and we have the equipment, books and everything else that you can possibly need, feel free to contact us for valuable information that may help you in the pursuit of wine making.


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Leyland Home Brew
15 Chapel Brow,  Leyland,   Lancashire,  PR25 3NH   United Kingdom
Tel: 01772 431030   Fax: 01772 451928